Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Welcome! I have no idea what i'm doing!!

    Hi! My name is Tara and I am the Southern Mama.im a 25 year old mom of 1. I am weird and awkward and increasingly nerdier by the day. I love to cook, read, travel, talk to people, watch football, watch crap tv and and tell rambling stories. I am married to the man of my dreams. He is hilarious and hard working and sexy as all hell! most of all though hes basically my biggest kid and usually needs the most supervision! We have 1 Little Lady who is currently 10 months old. She is a huge ball of personality and fun. most importantly though she is the sweetest, prettiest baby and the light of my life!

     During the week i borrow 2 awesome boys! borrowed boy 1 (BB1) is 2 and way too smart for his own good. borrowed boy 2 (BB2) is 14 and super helpful and sweet. I first looked into watching a couple kids to help supplement my husbands income to make it a little less stressful financially for me to stay home and raise our Little Lady. Little did i know i would be blessed with the 2 best behaved and silly boys you could ask for! Now that I've gotten all the mushy gushyness out there I can let yall know and all 5 of them (hubby and dog included!) oh i forgot!!! we have a 5 year old pit mix named Saint and honestly shes pretty damned saintly! and needy..she is a full on attention whore and i wouldn't have her any other way!...oh dear i'm already babbling..where was I? oh yes all 5 5 of them are super weird and silly and drive me crazy!

      So Ive decided to start a blog to share my daily antics and tales of what goes in in this crazy place! I think ill also use this space to share yummy recipes and books i come across. im a bit of a Pinterest addict and I love to try out recipes and other cool things i find on there and i would be happy to share my epic fails and wins of that ongoing challenge.

    Ok so for now I think that gets me started! i hope everyone comes in to check regularly on the goings on of our silly little family!


  1. This is a great start kiddo. Make sure you have your comment section set so you have to approve before post is published. I will help you all I can. Love you, Mom

  2. Great idea, Tarabeth! Looking forward to your musings as a mom. Love you.

  3. awesome start!! i can't wait to read more!

  4. Woohoo!!!! Excited for you xoxoxo

  5. Yay! Can't wait to read about all your silly days! Wish I had the mentality to keep up with blogging!
