Thursday, August 7, 2014

Do you ever feel like you aren't enough or aren't doing enough?

          Okay so I had originally planned on on this post being about tips and tricks i used to help get Little Lady on the lovely sleep schedule she is on. But this is something that is constantly on my mind so i thought i would throw it out there and see if I am crazy or if anyone else can relate. I promise to return to silly antics and tips and whatnot after this...

         What a silly headline right? I know im doing a good job. my Baby is sweet and funny and independent and so so so smart. but I constantly second guess everything I do. Should I be feeding her more organic foods? Do i read her enough books? Is she watching too much TV regardless to the "educational content"? I want her to have the best of everything and be the best of anything she sets her mind to. but i also am a strong believer in "nonhelicopter parenting" (is that a thing??)

      My insecurities flow into all aspects of my life. i am a stay at home mom so my job is to care for our child feed my family yummy and nutritious meals and keep my house clean. My house is no show room. It is in no  way also a pig pen. But in my head if I'm home it should always be spotless. my room should not look like the laundromat exploded all over my room. (laundry is my ultimate downfall in life im pretty sure). I sometimes feel ashamed when my husband gets home and the house still looks a mess. He has literally said nothing about the house not being clean enough or questioned what i do all day so this is completely all in my head but i don't know how to get it out.

      Im also consumed that I am not enough in general...ugh. I am literally just whining I need to stop now..I apologize. I may decide to take this down.

      Okay here is some positive things Little lady is now obsessed with sticking out her tongue thanks to her uncle Jeremy. My husband loves me and makes me laugh every single day. We are building our chickens a new coop when he gets home from work and I am pretty sure im gunna make tacos for dinner.

There now every have a lovely day and don't let your head get like mine and consume you with useless and irrational self doubt.

1 comment:

  1. First you are a great mom! Its totally normal to second guess your choices as a parent. Let's face it we don't know some times for years if we made the right choice. As far what you do....I dare anyone to do what you do for a week and I promise they would run for the hills...being a SAHM is not for the weak!!!
